The Gchat review will be scheduled for 6:00-8:00 p.m. this evening. 5 o'clock proved a little too early to prepare, so we will begin one hour later and end after two hours.
Below is a video from today's identification portion of the Worm Lab, outlining a few of the structures you will be held accountable for on the practical exam. I apologize for the semi-low quality, as we did not have our main camera on hand today.
A big thank you to all of the students involved in today's recordings -- great work!
Today we begin the process of laboratory dissection, which will carry on through the end of the year as we study the kingdom Animalia.
Our first dissection lab will study the common earthworm. Below is a very general image of some of the structures you will be looking for both today and tomorrow. More images will be available to you in-lab and on the blog as well, so keep checking back for updates. Also, there will be a worm dissection video published soon.
Well, here we are -- Kingdom Animalia. Before you know it, you will be elbow-deep in dissections, but first we will start with the common sponge and it's relatives in the phylum Porifera.
Below is a video demonstrating the filtering powers of the sea sponge. Be sure to take a look at Chapter 26, Section 2 in your book after watching this video for a complete look at the anatomy of a sponge, which we will touch upon in class this week.
In the meantime, enjoy the short film, and interesting music too.